The Miami Grid Miami

Miami Shores Warned of Misleading Water Safety Solicitations Not Linked to Miami-Dade WASD

Miami Shores officials are warning of fake water safety notices from private companies, not WASD, misleading residents about water quality. Miami Shores residents have been receiving misleading water solicitation notices, which have been placed on their doorsteps. The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) has confirmed these cards are not linked to the county's water supply and have no connection to the quality of their own system. The notices are believed to be the work of independent entities attempting to sell water filtration systems. The department has emphasized the rigorous testing procedures conducted by their water, with over 150,000 tests annually conducted at accredited labs to ensure customer safety and compliance with national drinking water thresholds. Those with concerns about the authenticity of these messages or concerns about water quality can reach out to the WASD Lab Division.

Miami Shores Warned of Misleading Water Safety Solicitations Not Linked to Miami-Dade WASD

نشرت : قبل شهر بواسطة Livi Miller في

Miami Shores residents have been finding water solicitation notices at their doorsteps, but officials are flushing rumors that these are from the local governmental department; in fact, the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) has confirmed that these cards, which hint at water safety concerns, are not issued by them and have no connection to the quality of the County's water supply. According to a press release by WASD, the notices are the work of independent entities attempting to peddle water filtration systems, capitalizing on unfounded fears regarding the drinking water supplied to the village's homes.

Recent events have witnessed a wave of flyers and door hangers scattered across the county. Some promote free water tests, while the latest batch insinuates that the municipal water does not meet safety standards. However, this is not the case. WASD Director Roy Coley reinforced that "Miami-Dade County’s water is excellent and meets all national drinking water standards," as he stated in a statement obtained by a Miami-Dade County press release. Coley stressed the rigorous testing undergone by their water, with over 150,000 tests annually conducted at accredited labs to ensure customer safety and compliance with national drinking water thresholds.

Those with concerns about the authenticity of such messages or worries about water quality can reach out directly to the WASD Lab Division, Coley encouraged, offering numbers for both the northern and southern regions divided by Southwest Eighth Street. Miami-Dade’s commitment to transparency manifests in its practice of annually publishing a Water Quality Report, the most recent of which is based on data from 2022 and can be accessed through the department's website.

Residents have been reminded to exercise caution and vet information concerning their water supply, and those with questions or who desire a free water test should call 786-552-4738 if they live north of Southwest Eighth Street or 786-552-4181 for residents south; this is part of WASD's ongoing efforts to provide not only safe, but reliable service, the full spectrum of their services and up-to-date information on programs is available on the WASD website, with the aim that customers well-informed about their efforts to maintain a top-notch water supply system.

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